

Teaching with the Bible as a basis

Kerkenbos 28

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Primary School
Elementary school WereldWijs is a small school with lovely playground located in the green neighborhood of Meerzicht, next to the petting zoo and allotments. At WereldWijs, children feel safe and loved and enjoy coming to school. Students are challenged to learn, play and develop and do so at their own level. Our education has the Bible as its foundation. At WereldWijs you learn about yourself, others and the world around us, and above all, God our creator. Parents seeking this education for their child are welcome.
Cooperation partner priority rule name: Not applicable.
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.
WereldWijs is a Kanjer school. Students learn to know and recognize the emotions of themselves and others. Love, trust and fun are our core values. When children feel safe, they can achieve good performance. Together we form a safe place where every child can feel valued.

The children’s world is getting bigger and bigger. They learn about themselves, others and the environment close by to all over the world. By working thematically, children feel involved in learning. The morning is mainly filled with basic subjects, in the afternoon there is mainly room for world orientation and cultural subjects. An enthusiastic team is ready to give the lessons and guide the pupils.

Each group starts from its own classroom. Besides their own group, there is a lot of cooperation between the students from the different groups. WereldWijs has combination groups. Students are one year the youngest and the next year the oldest in the group. This teaches them to cooperate, to help each other and to be considerate of each other. A good preparation for a worldly future.

This is what you recognize us by:

– Cozy and safe school
– Challenging education
– Enthusiastic teachers

Before you register your child, make an appointment for an orientation meeting. During this conversation, the identity of the school and the associated parent statement will be explained in more detail. Based on this information you can make an informed decision to register your child for our school.
Cooperation partner priority rule name: Not applicable.
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.