Koningin Wilhelminaschool

Koningin Wilhelminaschool

Modern education with traditional values!

Willem-Alexanderplantsoen 1

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Primary School
School with the bible ‘Koningin Wilhelminaschool’ has been in Zoetermeer since 1870. We are a positive Christian school based on Reformation principles with an open admissions policy. We focus on everyone in Zoetermeer for whom Bible-based education is important. We want to be a school where every child is welcome. The modern school building is located in the Driemanspolder neighborhood on Willem-Alexanderplantsoen.
Priority rule collaboration partner name: Partou IKC Stella Nova (Daycare).
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.
For us, the Bible is the Word of God and as such is authoritative and guiding. Biblical values are central to our actions. In summary: Modern Education with Traditional Values.

The hallmark of our school is high-quality education in a safe learning environment where we know each student. Our students learn to care for each other and for creation. We pay attention to each child’s gifts of the heart (serving), the gifts of the head (thinking) and the gifts of the hands (doing). Our mission is therefore:

serve, think and do!

You will recognize us by this:

– Personal
– Open and respectful
– Eye for individual development
Priority rule collaboration partner name: Partou IKC Stella Nova (Daycare).
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.