IKC De Trinoom

De Trinoom

Help me do it myself

Nieuwlandstraat 241

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Montessori, Child Center
IKC De Trinoom is a modern Montessori school. In our education much attention is paid to learning to make choices and bearing responsibility for yourself, for each other and for the environment. To this end, all kinds of simple tasks are discussed and agreed with the children as early as in the lower grades. The tasks become larger, more responsible and more complicated in the course of the school period.

The further the pupils are in their development and the more solid their foundation is, the better the pupils can handle their work planning, so that they learn to anticipate and stick to a timetable. Learning to learn is central as a goal.
Priority rule collaboration partner name: Gro-Up preschool Het Meeuwennest.
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.
Our Montessori approach is not only a way of working at school, but especially a way of interacting with children. We believe it is important that children can develop their aptitude, their creativity and their other talents. This is supported by challenging them to look at themselves and the world. It is then almost a matter of course, that the children approach the adult in the same way.

The children are supported to function well in the future society, that of the 21st century. To this end, the children develop knowledge and skills to see coherence in learning and learn to make connections. We encourage creative thinking and respect for each other, in order to develop the world permanently.

The core of our Montessori education is summarized in the statement, “Teach me to do it myself.” The basic principle is that a child, with guidance from the teacher, gains insight into its own learning process and becomes increasingly the owner of it. Our students can, within limits, choose their own work for a large part of the day. Through this specific way of working, they experience that freedom and discipline are connected.

Current education
The translation of the Montessori vision into digital didactics and the unique reading methodology (LIST), among others, keep the education current. Parents consciously choose this school because of the specific way of approaching children and allowing them to learn.

You will recognize us by this:
– Modern Montessori education
– Freedom in bondage
– Warm welcome
– Room for development
– Appropriate education in heterogeneous groups
Priority rule collaboration partner name: Gro-Up preschool Het Meeuwennest.
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.