IKC De Gaerde

IKC De Gaerde

Confidently facing the world!

Mulberry Earth 58-60

Read more below the image



Child Center
IKC De Gaerde is a modern child center in a beautiful new building where we provide a natural transition between child care and primary education. We form one team and have one vision regarding the way children play, develop and learn.
Priority rule cooperation partner name: Gro-Up preschool IKC De Gaerde .
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.
In recent years, the team, together with parents and children, has established an educational concept around the pillars:
– Learn
– Discover
– Grow

‘Learn’ and the basic subjects take center stage in the mornings. ‘Discover’ and talent development take place in the afternoons, where we link world orientation and creative subjects and conduct workshops, among others. ‘Growth’ and showing personal leadership, we encourage with ‘The Leader in Me’ (based on Covey’s seven habits).

Good instruction
In the permanent groups, we work hard and learn a lot thanks to good instruction. We work with the latest methods and closely monitor what the children need. We adapt the care and didactics accordingly. Parents are closely involved in our school.

You’ll recognize us by this:
– New school, new building
– Educational concept: Learn, Discover, Grow
– Together with parents we make the school
– The Leader in Me: Covey as a guide for leadership
– Highly experienced, compact team
Priority rule cooperation partner name: Gro-Up preschool IKC De Gaerde .
Sibling priority rule: applicable at all schools.